Opera in the Ozarks
Nancy J. Preis
Nancy J. Preis has been the general director of Opera in the Ozarks since 2014. She discovered her love for opera at a young age and now shares that passion with her students each summer. Opera in the Ozarks has grown considerably during her tenure, but Preis will not be satisfied until the program has gained international renown in the opera world.
Thomas Cockrell
Thomas Cockrell is the conductor and artistic director at Opera in the Ozarks, a post he has held since 2008. He divides his time between the University of Arizona and Opera in the Ozarks. Dr. Cockrell shares a wealth of experience with the students and professional instrumentalists with whom he works.
James H. Swiggart
James H. Swiggart was the general director of Opera in the Ozarks for more than twenty-five years. His guiding influence on the program led to its prominence in the world of opera and to a rehearsal hall bearing his name. After attending the Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony program as a teenager, Swiggart maintained a deep connection to Opera in the Ozarks, leading him to impart his knowledge to hundreds of students over the years.
David Ward
David Ward is an instructor and director at Opera in the Ozarks. His passion for opera springs from a love of the unamplified human voice. Before directing, Ward was a professional opera singer for over twenty-five years, and he employs that experience in teaching the next generation of performers.
Rebecca Sherburn
Rebecca Sherburn is a vocal instructor at Opera in the Ozarks. After students requested additional voice coaching, Sherburn was brought in for her expertise in operatic singing. Though she never attended the program as a student, Sherburn’s daughter attended in 2018, solidifying the family connection.
Dr. Immanuel T. Abraham
Dr. Immanuel T. Abraham is the concertmaster and lead violinist at Opera in the Ozarks. His expertise in violin and leading an orchestra caught the attention of a University of Arizona colleague, artistic director Thomas Cockrell, who encouraged Abraham to join Opera in the Ozarks. Though 2019 was his first year at the program, Dr. Abraham intends to return many times in the coming years.
Carole Langley
Carole Langley is the president of the governing board of Opera in the Ozarks, as well as an alumna of the program. Its mark on her was lasting; though Langley’s career took her to Europe, her fond memories brought her back to Arkansas to help make the program what it is today.
Meet our amazing team.
We’re a talented group of students with a variety of academic interests.

Hanna Ellington
Journalism / Political Science
Hanna is a Junior from Kansas City, KS. During her time at the University of Arkansas, she’s dabbled in reporting, public relations, social media, and video production. When she graduates in May 2021, she is considering a career in journalism or heading to law school.

Aidan McGinn
Aidan is a junior from Fayetteville, AR. He has a variety of interests, from politics and economics to drawing and playing music. Aidan plans to attend law school following his graduation in May 2021, after which he hopes to work in government.

Sarah Behrend-Wicox
Theater / French
Sarah is a senior at Oberlin College in Ohio. Arkansas Story Vault was her first time working with documentary film. After school, she hopes to pursue a career in production management. In her free time, she enjoys knitting and embroidery, proving that once you are a senior in college you become a grandma.

Darby Rush
Darby is a senior who has worked with the Pryor Center on both social media and the Arkansas Story Vault. Darby has always enjoyed watching movies but now, with the skills he has learned at the Pryor Center, he also enjoys making them.
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